Book Orders

For Schools, Libraries, Conferences, and Other Nonprofit Events

If you are planning to have an author autographing, books can be ordered from a local bookstore or wholesaler, or books can be ordered direct from Macmillan.

To Order Books From Fsg/Macmillan to Be Resold

If you need information about placing an order for books to be resold, please reach out to Talia Sherer in Macmillan’s Special Sales department:

To Order Books From FSG/Macmillan to Be Given Away

Below is Macmillan’s Premium Sales Discount Schedule, where you can find discount tiers according to the number of books ordered.

Premium Physical Sales Discount Schedule

  • 1 – 15 books – 20% Discount
  • 16 -49 books – 40% Discount
  • 50 – 499 books – 50% Discount
  • 500 – 999 books – 54% Discount
  • 1000 + books – 58% Discount          

Please note that we cannot offer bulk discounts to individuals; they must be ordering for an event or on behalf of a corporation/institution/organization.

If you need information regarding titles (titles listed below) and prices of books, please write to:

When you order, please provide the following information:

  • author
  • date of appearance
  • quantities and titles of books
  • billing and shipping addresses
  • name and telephone number of the contact person at your organization.


All Macmillan Premium orders are eligible for free standard shipping. It typically takes 1-2 business days to process an order once received. Shipping typically takes 3-6 business days, depending on the shipping destination for the order. Please note that we cannot ship orders to residential addresses or PO boxes.

Placing Your Premium Order

To place your order, you can access Macmillan’s Premium Sales Landing Page, where you will find a customer application as well as an order form to place your order with us. 

For the purpose of your order, you will need to complete the Macmillan Premium Order Form and—if you intend to set up an account with us for the first time—a customer application. You can find these forms & instructions for placing your order here.

Terms and prices are subject to change without notice

For more author and title information please visit